這一切都得感謝George W. Bush。對,就是現任美國總統小布希!
因為軟體作者Jeremy White希望小布希能在剩下的有限任期內至少做點對於國家社會有貢獻的事情,因此設下了一些門檻,只要在剩下的任期內小布希能夠達到這些門檻,Jeremy White就會免費的送出正版軟體。
- Reduce the Price of Gas: Gas costs about $3.79 a gallon in the Twin Cities, a full buck more than this time last year. If the average price here drops below $2.79 per gallon, this goal is met.
- Reduce the Price of Food: With the rise of fuel prices has come a similar rise in food prices. A gallon of milk is about $5 these days. It was $3.50 a year ago. If the average price of a gallon of milk comes down to $3.50 gallon in the Twin Cities metro, this goal is met.
- Create More Jobs: We started the year with 138,002,000 people in the U.S. working non-farm jobs. Since then, total non-farm employment has decreased by 366,000. If so much as a single job can be created this calendar year - meaning if employment can be at least 138,002,001, this goal is met.
- Rejuvenate the Housing Market: Median home values in the Twin Cities have fallen 12 percent year over year - from $233,000 to $205,000. If that median returns to $233,000, this goal is met.
- Bring Osama Bin-Laden to Justice: Every American would like to see Osama Bin-Laden captured or terminated. We won't be picky about how President Bush gets him. If it happens, this goal is met.
但這次的目標達成是在某天早上他幫車子加油的時候,發現油價降到每加崙2.79美元,他看到了就小歡呼了一聲"WooHoo~",但隨後馬上就喊了"Oh, Crap!",因為他發現每個人都將可以免費拿到他的付費軟體了(這就叫高興得太早嗎?XD)
總之有在用Mac的人記得在美國時間10月28日當天連到http://www.codeweavers.com拿取免費軟體的deal code,雖然不知道他會送哪一個版本(感覺有可能是任挑一種),但是不管哪個版本,他的軟體價位都在40~70元美金不等喔!實在是有下有推啊!!
1028 Update:有CrossOver Mac Pro (includes CrossOver Games) 及 CrossOver Linux Pro (includes CrossOver Games)兩種選擇喔!
1028 Update 2:取得序號之後需在一天之內在其網站上註冊,否則會失效。此次活動所取得正版軟體將在一年後到期。
1028 Update 3:由於codeweaver.com的伺服器流量過大,有時網站會短暫的關閉,請多試幾次。也由於這個原因,拿到註冊碼之後,可註冊的時間延長48小時。

1029 Update:活動已結束,官方表示他們會盡力確定每一個發出去的序號都能正常運作。由於官方主機昨天工作量大增的緣故,codeweaver表示在活動後期申請序號的朋友可能會晚幾天收到email。有興趣的人可以看看軟體作者們對於這天的心得感想(其實後段還蠻好笑的 XD)
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2008年11月9日 上午9:58
2008年11月9日 下午3:07
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